Tourist #2 Complete!

Here she is in all her glory: ready to take on the world.  Below are a few shots of how she was made. We’ll start her off with visits to a few locations around here and then hopefully she will take a long trip.  Any volunteers to help in her travels?

Maiden Voyage: Budapest to Istanbul

What an opportunity. Our little man is shipping out to Hungary (via Germany) this evening for a month long voyage culminating in Istanbul! His handler, Ron, plans all kinds of activities on this trip beginning with a steam bath and massage in a Budapest spa, an evening at the philharmonic, and dinner on the Danube. Perhaps an escape to Lake Balaton and wine country. After traversing Romania and Bulgaria with all their fantastic scenery and culture, he plans to alight in Istanbul for a stout cup of real coffee and later take in the sights. He has always had a weakness for Byzantine art. After that, a cruise along the Black Sea coast and catch the sunrise over the Golden Horn.  I should have clear-coated him…

Note his silver glasses. When he gets back he is going to have green lenses fitted in the frames. I had no time this moring.

First Stop: Somerset County, NJ

Before I knew our little man was about to embark on a long trip throughout Eastern Europe I had planned to begin his world travels with local visits.  He will visit the court house of every one of New Jersey’s 21 counties and get his picture taken there. I figured court houses usually make pretty landmarks.  Once he gets back I will pick up where I left off and visit some more close by. After NJ is done it will be time to move to other states, but that’s planning way too far in the future. Behold: First Picture,  Somerset Courthouse, Somerville NJ!

A New Project Begins!

This new project consists of a set of little whittled wooden figurines of tourists which are going to be photographed all over the world. The idea is not new:  you take a picture of an object everywhere you go on your travels, or ask people to take it along on theirs. People do this with spools of thread, pictures of friends, etc. I plan to make three or four figurines. That way, if any one of them gets lost, a replacement can be carved quickly. The first little tourist was completed this morning and is already heading out on his first trip, but more on that later. Below are pictures of his construction. I think the wood is basswood. He was then gessoed & painted with acrylics. I had no time to clear-coat him. I’ll finish him up when he gets back, if he makes it!

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